"> Curious about Hypnosis? Hypnosis Gold Coast Hypnosis Gold Coast Gold Coast and Courses - Ultra Mind Hypnosis Gold Coast with Melody hypnosis courses, hypnosis courses and consultations Gold Coast, hypnotherapy Gold Coast, hypnotherapy courses and consultations Gold Coast, hypnotherapy courses and consultations

Curious about Hypnosis?

Hypnosis may be one of the most debated upon and controversial topics known to us, but that doesn’t mean we can’t get our facts right. Before we delve further in our study of mind control and its twists and turns, let’s try to get our facts straight first. Here are some of the most popular – yet unproven – takes on hypnosis.

The Powerful Mystical Mysterious Master Hypnotist

No, he doesn’t have supernatural powers. He’s not casting an ancient spell. He’s not an apostle of Satan. Neither is he a saint.
Your friendly neighborhood hypnotist – be he a licensed doctor or a new-age practitioner – does not possess that special kind of “animal magnetism” either. That theory has long been dismissed, as early as in the 17th century. Today, it is proven that to be able to initiate a hypnotism session, the hypnotist may merely provide a very specific visual element to focus on, some soothing music perhaps, and a very convincing, authoritative spiel repeated in a monotone. You need only to be relaxed, aware, and willing to be hypnotized. Of course, the effects of hypnosis can rely on the hypnotist’s ability and experience; as well as the motivation and mental conditioning of the subject.

The Dreamer

People claiming they are under hypnosis – are they dreaming?

The opposite is true – when you are under hypnosis, rather than sleeping, you are actually fully alert. In fact, more alert than normal. Being under hypnotism requires your mind to focus intensely, whether it’s the swinging motion of the pendulum clock, the monotone pattern of the hypnotist’s voice, and the sound of your own breathing as you relax. For your subconscious to take over, you need to concentrate intently. Under a state of trance, you will still be fully aware of the things you will be saying and doing, as suggested upon by the hypnotist – including activities not related to sleeping, such as walking, running around, reading, laughing, and even acting like a chicken.

Can You Hypnotize Me to Believe in It?

The Webster’s New International Dictionary defines hypnosis as “the induction of a state resembling sleep or somnambulism, which is called hypnosis or hypnotic sleep; also loosely – the induced state of hypnosis.”

There are degrees of hypnosis which have been characterized as “lethargic, cataleptic and somnambulistic hypnosis; and again, simply as light and heavy hypnotic sleep, with corresponding variations in suggestibility.”

However, Encyclopedia Britannica further states “there remains no generally acceptable explanation for hypnosis, though one prominent theory focuses on the possibility of discrete dissociative states affecting portions of consciousness.”

Hypnosis taps into your subconscious.
Hypnosis is a form of guided meditation.
By changing your subconscious, you can change your beliefs, attitudes, thoughts, and actions.
When hypnotized, you are fully awake and conscious in a relaxed state.
You can only be hypnotized if you choose to be.
When hypnotized, you in full control. No one can make you do anything against your will.
You can bypass the limiting beliefs of your conscious mind to relay your desired thoughts and behaviors to your subconscious mind.
Hypnosis can help to reduce pain, overcome fears, eliminate bad habits, and sail past mental blocks.
In order to see change, you have to want the desired change.

In additional to seeking the expertise of a professional hypnotherapist, you can also learn the art of self-hypnosis with Melody at www.UltraMindHypnosis.com

Email: Melody@AboveAllHealing.com.au


The word hypnosis is derived from the Greek word hypnos, meaning sleep. Hypnotism is often presumed to make someone go under a state of reduced consciousness while the person remains awake. The general behavior of those under hypnosis are being extremely positive to suggestions and achieving a high level of relaxation. Daydreaming is another activity likened to hypnotism, wherein a person looks oblivious to his surroundings yet experiencing heightened imagination – depending on how light the trance is.

There are two ways by which hypnosis is performed:

1) hetero-hypnosis, wherein a hypnotist induces a state of being in trance and being open to suggestions; and

2) auto-hypnosis, wherein the state is self-induced.